More than a League
Since 1933, the Cosmopolitan Junior Soccer League has been a prominent figure in the development of youth soccer in New York City. Our unwavering dedication to providing local year-round competitions, coaching, and referee educational programs has established us as a leader in the industry. We take pride in our diverse clubs and our emphasis on fostering player development.
Game Scoring Help
WINNING team is responsible to enter scores, for all age groups U8-U19.
In-case of TIE, Both Teams will report the Scores.
Deadline to input scores is 6 pm on the Monday after the weekend. Any scores not entered by the deadline will be subject to a Late Score Fee of $25, a forfeit and all fines associated with a forfeit.
CLICK HERE to Enter Game Scores.
Enter our CJSL Event ID- 77852 and the Pin #1234
Enter the Game #
Enter the Score and Click Save