CJSL Information
CJSL Office Hours
Email- Office@cjslsoccer.com
Monday/Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 10am-8pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm
Friday/Saturday/Sunday: Closed
Deadline to submit any players/teams for verification and approvals in the CJSL/GotSport system is no later than 12:00pm on Thursdays.*
Any submissions after the deadline will not be approved until Monday the following week, when the office reopens.

Steps/Tasks for Clubs to Follow
Create a GotSports Club Account (email CJSL)
Create and Add your Teams to your Club Account (See below - Team Help)
Add Coaches/Managers to your Club Account (See below - Coaches Help)
Add Players to your pool in Club Account (See below- Player Help)
Register Team(s) to League for league play (links provided by individual leagues)
Register Team(s) to the correct Carding Event for the league your playing in (as labeled above), to be able to build team rosters (See below - Team Help, how to register for carding event).
Use Roster Builder to build your Team Rosters with players and coaches/managers. (See below - Team Help)
Submit Notification Form to CJSL to check and approve player pictures/proof of birth (See below - Player Help)
Note- Team Rosters MUST have a coach or a manager listed on the roster who has cleared all 3 requirements (Background Check, Safe Sport, and Heads Up Training).​
Make Payment for Player Registrations so you can print your official rosters and player cards (See below- Player Pre Billing)
How to Check if my player documents were approved and or if the system approved my coach? Click HERE
Requirements for All Players and Teams in GotSport
Player photos must be HEAD SHOTS
Full Player's Name on the team roster must match the full name on the proof of birth document.
Players must have birth certificates and pictures uploaded
Player documents MUST be verified on the club level in order to add player to a roster (reference below link under HELP
Players who were previously had proof of birth approved do not have to have it approved again.​
Maximum Players on Official Team Roster is 30 ; Minimum players on roster required are:
4v4 - 4 min.
7v7 - 5 min.
9v9 - 6 min.
11v11 - 7 min.
Minimum of one coach or manager who has fulfilled all 3 risk management components
Coaches/Managers need to be affiliated with USYS and their date of birth entered
Player Level must be ENYYSA TRAVEL and affiliation USYS for Players.
Team Level must be ENYYSA TRAVEL and affiliation USYS for Teams playing CJSL.
Team Level must be ENYYSA PREMIER and affiliation USYS for Teams playing NAL/NEAL and EDP
When building out your rosters, in "Roster Builder" make sure your team rosters are rostered under the correct carding event as shown above .
Requirements for 18/19 yr. old Players as per USYSA
U18-19 Teams: If there are any players on the team that are under 18, all the players that are 18 or older have to comply with US Soccer Policy 212-3.
State Associations must conduct background screenings as well as SafeSport training for players 18 years and older, as per US Soccer Policy 212-3, ONLY when there is a younger player on the team. Requirements need to be met within 45 days of the players 18th birthday. Please refer to US Soccer, Policy 212-3—US Soccer Athlete and Participant Safety Policy – Standards for Organization Members (pages. 20-21) 2020-21 Policy Manual (.pdf)
For Help and More Info:
New Requirement Needed for Players turning 18yrs old. - Safe Sport and Background Check
New Requirement Needed for Players already 18 or 19. - Safe Sport and Background Check
Team Help
When adding Teams, Make sure level is ENY Travel and affiliation is USYSA and State Association is NY East
How to register your team(s) to a carding event so that it is visible in Roster Builder - Video
Printing Roster and Cards for an Event
Note to Print out individual player cards, in roster builder, click on the 3 dots by that players name.​
Player Help
When adding Players, Make sure Player level is ENY Travel and affiliation is USYSA, also names must match what is on the proof of birth, including middle name. Note new requirements for Players 18 and 19 years old.
Adding Players to a Team Roster in the Carding Event in Roster Builder
Checking and Updating Player Affiliation and Competitive Level
How to View What Other Rosters a Player is Listed on in your Club Within Roster Builder
How to Build a Match Day Roster and Print Match Day Card as a Coach or Manager
How to add a Club Pass or Guest Player to my Game Day Match Card as a Coach or Manager
NOTE: For a player to show up in your CP player pool, they must be approved as Primary on an existing roster within your club in an event managed by your official registration organization. Roster rules, such as age and roster size will still apply to the addition of CP players.​
Coach/Manager Help
Must complete all Requirements Background Check, Safe Sport and Heads Up.
Player Pre Billing
New Player Payment
Pay for your Player Registrations to allow Printing of Rosters/Cards, Must be Done or players will not show up when you print your team rosters or player cards
Game Day Match Card Help