League Guidelines
General Rules
All games within this league shall be conducted under the rules of FIFA laws of the game as recognized by the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association and USYSA.
Game Issue Report: (click Here)
Form to be filled out for Referee Issue, Field Issue, Team Issues (No Shows). No Emails or Text will be accepted.
Score Reporting
Winning Team is responsible to report all scores immediately following the conclusion of the match.
In case of a Tie , both teams will enter the score.
Deadline to input scores is 6 pm on the Monday after the weekend. Any scores not entered by the deadline will be subject to a Late Score Fee of $25.
Enter our Pin #2024
Enter the Game #
Enter the Score and Click Save
2023-2025 Referee Fees
Playing field
A. Size: Limitations as to the size of the field, height of corner flags, goal measurements, and the required markings of the field are in accordance with the FIFA rules of the game. (For Small Sided Games specification we follow USYSA Small Sided Games Guidelines)
B. Markings: The home club shall be responsible for visible, correct, and complete markings of the playing field. As well as use of correct Goal Size required for that particular age group as required.
C. Maintenance of order: The playing field is to be protected against encroachment by the public. The home club is responsible for any disorders that may arise from insufficient protection and supervision. Both clubs are responsible for the actions of their parents. Failure to control parents that result in any altercation, (verbal or physical), before, during, or after a match, will result in potential penalties (forfeits, fines, or both).
Non-appearance of Referee
For U7-U14, If an assigned referee fails to appear, the managers/coaches of the competing teams MUST agree upon another referee for the game to be played, if necessary, by toss of a coin, who need not be officially registered as a referee (can be another coach or parent).
That person who is agreed upon must referee the whole game. Splitting of halves between the two teams is not recommended.
A game played under these conditions shall be considered as properly played. No scheduled game can be delegated to a friendly game. At the end of the game, the winning team must report the score or if tied, both teams must report the score as they normally would.
If both teams do not agree to select a person to officiate the game, BOTH teams shall be fined $50.00 and the game shall be rescheduled, unless it can be proven that one team did not agree to play.
For U15-19, Games are played with 1, 2 or a 3 person crew. If NO referee shows up, game is to be rescheduled. Follow Game Change Policy. (NO Fee will be charged for a game that is rescheduled due to no show of a referee.)
Teams shall appear in uniform attire at all games. Players who do not follow this provision may be ordered off the field by the referee. He/She must order such player off the field if, in his opinion, the dress of the player may lead to errors in judgement. Where the colors of the two (2) competing clubs are the same, the home team must change or provide satisfactory identification marks. The home club shall not be penalized for loss of time when the colors conflict.
USYSA Heading Policy
Adopted April 23, 2022 - page 7
All Players aged 10 years of age and under shall not head the ball directly from the air in any match or competition, nor shall these players practice heading the ball in any organized team setting. If a player age 10 or younger deliberately heads the ball in a match, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. If the heading occurs within the penalty area, the referee shall move the ball outside the penalty area and award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.
Players age 11 and age 12 shall be permitted to head the ball in any match or competition. These players may practice heading the ball in an organized team practice or skill session, but coaches shall monitor this practice so that no single player heads the ball more than 25 times per week, regardless of setting.
Players age 13 and older shall be permitted to head the ball in any match or competition and these players may practice heading the ball in an organized team practice or skill session.
Substitution Rules for Players Suspected of having a concussion in a League Match
If a player is suspected of having a concussion, by the referees, team officials, or league officials, the player will be withdrawn from the game immediately.
A notation will be made on the game day roster, and the referee will include this in their referee report to be submitted to the League office. CJSL will suspend the player till the club fills out the concussion form and player is medically cleared.
Club/Team official will be required to complete the notification of possible concussion form, immediately after the game.
Clubs will be required to submit to CJSL, via email (mail to: office@cjslsocccer.com), proper medical clearance. Once the league receives the medical clearance from a Health Care Professional (MD, DO, or athletic trainer who is certified in concussions) the player will be activated and removed off the suspended list and he or she will be cleared to resume play.
Duration of Games
Games cannot be shortened more than ten (10) minutes under any circumstances. At all times they must have two (2) equal halves.
Waiting period
There will be no waiting time for games under the jurisdiction of this league.
The referee shall have the right to shorten the intermission period between the halves, which should not exceed five (5) minutes, if the start of the game has been delayed or other reasons make it advisable. However, he/she must grant an intermission of at least five (5) minutes, if either of the competing teams requests it
Minimum # of players needed for games
7v7 Games - 5 players
9v9 Games- 6 players
11v11 Games- 7 players
Line-up forms
Completed (full first and last names, jersey, and pass numbers) official, and league line-up forms with photo ID must be submitted to the referee and opposing coach prior to the start of the game. (see below for more info)
Weather Policy ​
Click to Read Here Full - Weather Policy
1. Protests: All protests, which arise from an infringement of the laws of the game, are subject to a protest fee. Appeals should emailed to the arbiter, within three (3) days of the game, At that time CJSL will invoice the appealing club the fifty dollars ($50.00) via paypal.
Appeal email should be sent to the arbiter, league president and office and to the club or person involved in the protest.
Grounds for protest that arise before the start of a game shall immediately be submitted in writing to the referee and the opposing team before the commencement of the game. It must then be followed up as stated above.
2. Claims: All claims, which are made on the basis of an incorrect or missing registration of a player (questioning player eligibility), must be accompanied with a fee of $25.00 per player.
Such claims must be filed with the arbiter within 7 days of the game.
3. Damages: All requests for damages, such as arising from the non-appearance of a team, etc., are to be presented in writing to the arbiter. They do not require a fee.
Failure to Appear for a Scheduled Game
A team failing to appear for a regularly scheduled league game shall be fined the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars plus referee costs. This fine will be increased by fifty ($50.00) dollars for each subsequent forfeit by the club.
a) A club must consider the league as its primary league. Any club or team granted permission to participate in another competition must fulfill its league schedule, responsibilities, and obligations two (2) weeks prior to or including that weekend. Any changes must first have the permission of the games chairman. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit and fine.
Breaking off of Game
Games shall under no circumstances be broken-off by one of the participating teams. If a team breaks off a game without permission of the referee, the guilty party shall be penalized with loss of points. The breaking off of a game may also be penalized by fines or suspension.
Forfeited Games and Loss of Points
If a league game is forfeited to an opponent without play, or if the arbiter orders a forfeit against the offending club, the opponent will be credited with a two to zero (2 to 0) win and will be fined $100.
Failure to Control Parents and or Sidelines Maintenance of order
The playing field is to be protected against encroachment by the public. The home club is responsible for any disorders that may arise from insufficient protection and supervision. Both clubs are responsible for the actions of their parents. Failure to control parents that result in any altercation, (verbal or physical), before, during, or after a match, will result in potential penalties (forfeits, fines, or both).
League will not tolerate any kind of verbal or physical abuse directed at any game official in our league. Failure to control parents as reported by our game officials will result in loss of points and or fines imposed. In addition any incidents that is reported by the game officials, that claim parent or public infringement on the field resulting in the possible fear of safety for all participants involved or prohibit the game from being played safely, will result in loss of points and or fines. It is the responsibility of either team to control their field surroundings and parents.
See ENY- Zero Tolerance Policy- HERE
Match Day Game Rosters/Cards with Phot ID for CJSL Clubs
MDGR/with Photo ID or Team Rosters/with photo ID must be a Hard Copy and can be in color or b&w copies.
NO ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL Version will be permitted.
MDGR/ with Photo ID or Team Rosters/with photo ID must have all relevant information on it. (Game details, dates, age group, Player #'s, Coach Signature)
For every game teams must have 2-copies of the MDGR/ with Photo ID.
One Copy for the Referee
One Copy to exchange with the Opposing Team
NO - Match Day GDR/with photo ID or Team Rosters/with photo ID = NO GAME = FORFEIT
Must be Hard Physical Copies.
Approved Game Day Rosters
Illegal Rosters
Approved Coaches Pass
Intra Club Guest Player RULE
Coaches can add Club/Guest Player to the MDGR/ID any players they wish to add, but MUST have proof that those players are registered.
Accepted Proof are Physical Player Cards or the Physical GAME DAY ROSTER with PHOTO ID from the player's team that they are coming from.
Must be from the same Club.
Must be of correct age or younger (2 yrs younger max) (Ex- U9 player can only play up to U11. He or She, can not play up to U13 or older team)
MORE INFO> CLICK HERE- https://www.cjslsoccer.com/intra-club-guest-rule