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CJSL City Cup Game Rules

1. Please schedule and play your games by the designated date. Home teams are the top teams in the bracket and is responsible for setting up the location and time for the games in conjunction with the opposing team.  
Games should be played on OFF Days (during the week or weekend).  

  • Game fees are shared by BOTH teams (See fees below #11)

  • U9-U13- 1 Referee System 

2. Home team is responsible to notify the city cup commissioners of the details of the match by scheduling match HERE one week prior to the match. If the Home team fails to set up the match by the set time, then the game will revert to the Away team's Field.

3. Winning teams is responsible for reporting all scores to the city cup commissioners by 9:00 PM game day, HERE.

Pin # is CC24

Teams that do not report the final score will be fined $25.00.

4. All FIFA rules shall apply to games. Except where noted below:

  • In case games end in ties during the preliminary rounds, the outcome of the match shall be decided by PK's .(Best of 5 and then One and One, until a winner is determined).  Only Players on Field can take PK's.

  •  Quarters, Semi and Final Rounds, in case of a tie, there shall be 2x5 min OT periods. In case there is still a tie, then there will be PK's (Best of 5 then One and One until a winner is determined). Only Players on Field can take PK's.

5. Teams are to have at the game site,  their valid appropriate Team Rosters with Photos or Game Day Match Cards with photos as printed off of the CJSL GotSport Website   (Electronic Version on Cell Phones/Tablets/Laptops is NOT Allowed).

  • Coaches and or Managers MUST also Have Valid/Current Coaches or Staff Cards at all Matches.  

  • NO Coaches PASS = NO PLAY = FORFEIT and FINE

  • Teams may use players from the same club from a lower aged team (2 year difference max) or a lower level team within the same age group. 

      For Example- (U9 player can play up to U11, U10 can play up to U12 etc... But a U10 player cannot play up to U13 etc…)

6. All players must be from Same Club, of correct Age and properly registered with USYSA

Roster Rules- Teams can use therr regular CJSL/ENYYSA Team Rosters for all matches. 

  • U9- U10 (7v7) -  30 Players Maximum on Roster,  14 Players Maximum on Game Day 

  • U11-U13 (9v9) -  30 Players Maximum on Roster,  16 Players Maximum on Game Day

  • There are NO GUEST PLAYERS Permitted from outside ones club.

8. No protests allowed. Referee Decisions are final.

9. All players, club members, parents are to respect all aspects of the game. Any person that is cautioned or ejected from any games for whatever reason, that club will face further disciplinary actions in accordance to CJSL/ENYSSA rules.  Abuse of referees will not be tolerated.

10. Teams/Clubs are responsible for the conduct of their team, parents, and all spectators.

11. The established
Special Referee Fees For CITY CUP Games are: (Fees are SPLIT between BOTH Teams)

  • U-9                 Center Referee  $60

  • U-10 - U-11    Center Referee  $80

  • U12 - U13      Center Referee $90          

12.  Game Regulations

  • U-9                                 7v7           2 X 25 Min Halves         #4 Ball

  • U-10 and U-11               9v9          2 X 30 Min Halves          #4 Ball

  • U1-2 and U-13               9v9          2 X 35 Min Halves          #4 Ball

13.  Both teams will be on one side of the field. Parents and other spectators will remain on the opposite side for
the entire match.

Non-appearance of Referee - If an assigned referee fails to appear, the managers of the competing teams MUST agree upon another referee for the game to be played, if necessary by toss of a coin, who need not be officially registered as a referee.
If both teams do NOT AGREE to select a person to officiate the game, BOTH teams must reschedule the game by the following weekend.  If both teams fail to reschedule the match, match will result in a double forfeit.

15. Where the colors of the two (2) competing clubs are the same, the HOME TEAM MUST Change.  Shin Guards and approved Foot Wear must be worn.



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©2025 by Cosmopolitan Jr. Soccer League NY. 

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