How to Become a Referee
The requirements to become a licensed Grassroots Referee in ENY are as follows:
The Referee Student or Applicant must:
Set up a profile on the the US Soccer Learning Center (see below PDF)
Complete the Grassroots online training via ENY's State specific link to the US Soccer Learning Center (print certificate)
Student must complete online Safesport Training - Link and code will be provided by ENY (print certificate)
Create a Game Officials Profile on ENYSRC GO Site
Once the items above are complete the student will be considered a “CANDIDATE” for the IN-PERSON class.
Once the Class is scheduled and posted on Game Officials:
CANDIDATES will register and pay for an In-Person Class on GO.
If 18 or older during the licensing year CANDIDATE will complete and pass a background check (still via game officials). Class registration will be closed 1 week prior to the date of the class to allow for the background checks to be verified.
CANDIDATE must attend and complete an ENY In-Person one day training class.
CANDIDATE must present Certificate of Completion from US SOCCER Grassroots Training and SAFE SPORT.
Once the CANDIDATE has completed all of the above they will be batched to US Soccer and registered for the 2020 calendar year. They will also be able to officiate for the remainder of the 2019 calendar year.
ENYSRA State Administrator-